Monday, August 28, 2006

Be Kind to Humankind Week: Monday

And the week continues with Motorist Consideration Monday.

Happy “Be Kind to Humankind Week” Day 4, which is “Motorist Consideration Monday”. Remember to drive safe, be considerate towards other motorists and pedestrians and keep your road rage locked up in a box at home!!! Happy Driving!!!


Motorist Consideration Monday is your time to practice patience, consideration towards others, and safe driving habits every single day!

Here are some suggestions from their site:

Motorist Consideration Monday is your time to practice patience, consideration towards others, and safe driving habits every single day!


1. Don’t drive aggressively by tailgating and bullying people on the road.

2. Don’t carry over your personal anger into “road rage”.

3. Since you are obviously not considering your own safety when you drink and drive, at least consider the safety of others. Do Not Drink and Drive!

4. Allow a fellow motorist to come out in front of you in a line of heavy traffic.

5. Always yield to pedestrians, especially when you see people standing in the cold rain, sleet or snow.

6. Don’t Speed. Highways are not raceways!

7. Be cautious of emergency vehicles parked on the side of the road assisting needy motorists. Slow down and try to move away from the scene. No rubbernecking!

8. Always use child safty seats for any child being driven in your car. No exceptions! Who cares if they squeal and scream. Do it anyway.

9. Always use seat belts. In most states it is the law.

10. Slow down in bad weather. Give yourself extra time to get to your destination so that you will not feel anxious and rushed.

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