Tuesday, December 09, 2008

20 Minute DB Workout

dumbbell squat exerciseDumbbell Squat Exercise

Don't have time to spend an hour in the gym? Don't feel like going to the gym, but you have DBs at home? Then this is exactly what you need.

I admit it, some days I am lazy. Today was one of those days. No clients to see, so I just didn't feel like going in to the gym. So I dug out an old pair of 40 lb dumbbells and did a quick little circuit that burned some calories, worked all the major muscle groups, and got me winded -- all in 20 minutes.

It's really quite simple. Grab a pair of dumbbells that feel challenging (I used 40's because that's all I have at home) and do the following circuit (aiming for 12-20 reps each set on each exercise).

DB Lunges (knee touches floor on each rep)
Push Ups (feet up if these are easy - and go to failure)
DB Snatch (one arm at a time, DB touches floor on each rep)
Bent Over Straight Arm Row (both arms at the same time)*
DB Squat (narrow stance, DBs must touch the floor on each rep)
DB Chest Press (do these on the floor if you have no bench)
DB Ab Wheel (One DB in each hand, roll out and back)

*The straight arm row is similar to a standard two arm row, except the arm is kept straight. Back is parallel to the floor, abs tight.

If all you have at are VERY light weights, go for slow reps (10 seconds down, pause, 1 second up) and more challenging exercises, such as overhead squats, lunges up stairs, dumbbell swing, or thrusters.

Do the circuit three or four times with as little rest as possible - should take less than 20 minutes.

Here is a good exercise database for building your own workouts.


Unknown said...

You know, the only problem with most workouts is that some form of pushup is required. I detest pushups :/

william harryman said...

That's cool - substitute another DB chest exercise. In any program, you should be able to substitute exercises that hurt or you just won't do. Use the link at the bottom of the post to find another exercise you will do that hits the chest muscles.
