Thursday, September 03, 2009

Dr. Kathleen Young - Compassion Fatigue: The Cost of Treating Trauma?

Treating trauma can induce as much trauma in the therapist as it relives in the client(s). These folks are exposed to so much of the worst of humanity and the pain that results - it can be overwhelming. I know because I have watched my girlfriend go through it recently - she is a trauma therapist in one of the nation's top in-patient facilities.

She recently had to make a temporary move into the chronic pain program to recover from compassion fatigue. Certainly, part of it is working in an in-patient facility, where the clients tend to be a little more acute, and the therapy a lot more intensive. And part of it is in the nature of the work.

As Dr. Young points out in this post and powerpoint, we can avoid this outcome with a little vigilance on our part. She tells us how.

Compassion Fatigue: The Cost of Treating Trauma?

September 1, 2009 · Leave a Comment

Trauma work can take a toll on providers as well. Taking good care of ourselves enables us to continue to provide the best possible services. The following is a presentation I have given to several agencies:

When helping others precipitates a compromise in our own well-being we are suffering from Compassion Fatigue. This is another term for secondary traumatic stress. The idea here is that even secondary exposure to stressful and/or traumatic events can produce many of the same reactions common to post traumatic stress. Our very compassion and empathic connection, the thing that makes us effective helpers, seems to be what puts us at risk. As many of us know, being around the pain and suffering of others can be “emotionally contagious”. It’s difficult to see and care deeply about the suffering of others without feeling some pain ourselves.

Untreated, Compassion fatigue can get worse and lead to burnout. The key is prevention or catching it early. Compassion fatigue can be prevented by consistent self-care.

One of the ironies of the helping professions is that we are not always so good at practicing what we preach! We owe it to ourselves (and our clients) to acknowledge the importance of our own health, emotional balance, satisfaction, and well-being in order to be optimal care providers.

If you think this may be an issue for you, consider the American Psychological Association’s coping suggestions:

  • Self-assessment: Ask yourself, “How am I doing?” What do I need? How have I changed? Discuss the questions and answers with a colleague, friend, or therapist.
  • Protect yourself: Be aware of your vulnerability and the negative consequences of your work, Strive for balance, and Maintain connection with others.
  • Address the stress of your work: Practice self-care, Nurture yourself by focusing on sources of pleasure and joy, and Allow yourself to escape when necessary.
  • Transform the negative impact of your work: Focus on finding meaning in your work and day-to-day activities, Challenge negativity, and Participate in community building activities, joining with others around a common purpose or value.
  • Connect with yourself and with others: Pay attention to your inner experience, Talk about it with others, Do not work alone, Ask for support as well as offering it to others

I’d also love to hear your thoughts and the strategies you employ to keep yourselves recharged while doing this demanding and crucial work.

Kathleen Young, Psy.D.

1 comment:

Compassion Fatigue Solutions said...

Other good resources on compassion fatigue are:

Patricia Smith's Compassion Fatigue Awareness project:

To view a free 90 minute video outlining the basics of compassion fatigue as well as strategies for improved self care, go to and click on "Resources and Links", then scroll down to Multimedia.

Finally, I recently finished writing "The Compassion Fatigue Workbook" which offers more in-depth strategies and solutions for coping with CF.

Warm regards, Françoise Mathieu, M.Ed., CCC.